Cyclothon Team

Bhargav Mehta

Cycling Professional Bhargav Mehta

The presence of 45 Year old, Ahmadabad based Bhargav Mehta, in any cyclothon, ensures failure
free completion. He is not only a cycling professional, but also a professional mechanic who can
attend to all cycle troubles before they become serious. Bhargav not only completed the entire 28
days journey of 2,500 kms, he ensured that there were no mechanical problems faced by the
entire team.
A law and commerce graduate, Bhargav is an entrepreneur. His venture, Raj Infotech, set up in
2001, deals in computer hardware, peripheral consumables, annual maintenance and repair of
computer systems.
Bhargav has been cycling since April 2012.As a part of “Friends Cycling Club” in Ahmedabad, he
cycles 80 to 140 Kms every Sunday. Since February 2018, Bhargav has been participating in BRM
events cycling 200, 300, 400, 600, 1,000, 1,200 kms within specified times and specified
Throughout the 28 days, 2,500 km cyclothon, Bhargav took it upon himself to ensure every member
of the team reached the night halt safely by bringing up the rear. Forgetting his tiredness, he then
took it upon himself to check all the cycles to ensure they were ready for the next day’s journey.

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