Cyclothon Team 2023

Col Prem Prakash

Col Prem Prakash, SM (Retd) is an alumni of St Xavier’s, Patna; RIMC, Dehradun, NDA and IMA. He
was commissioned into 2 MAHAR and later on went on to command the same Battalion. In a rare
feat he was commissioned into the Unit while he was in the mountains as part of IMA Golden Jubilee
Expedition to Mt Kamet in Jun 1982. He was also awarded Sena Medal for this singular
accomplishment which is also distinct as he may have been amongst the youngest officer to have
been decorated.
He has served the nation for 34 years across all areas and terrains. He has been to the northern most
point of Indra Col and southern most point of Indira Point during his service. Some of the important
assignments that he has served are Instructor, IMA; Battalion Commander, 2 MAHAR; Commandant,
RIMC and Director, Army Adventure Wing. He has been to Sri Lanka on Youth Exchange programme
while in service. He was part of First Army Everest Expedition 1985 during which he reached a height
of 26000 ft along the South West Face and has also scaled some mountain peaks like Jonsang,
Apsarasas, Black Peak and Trishul.
Col Prem Prakash has also added to his academic qualifications in last 15 years. He now has Masters
in English, Bachelor in Education and Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management, Financial
Management. He is also now trained in Image Management and Soft Skills Training. He loves
adventure, tennis, music, photography and literature.
He superannuated from the Armed Forces in 2016. He headed a senior secondary school in Patna
after retirement for six years. Now he is the Group Director at Col Satsang’s Kiran Memorial Group of
Schools since 01 Apr 2022.

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