Dr (Col) Kailash Tiwari

Dr (Col) K C Tiwari, AG Pollution Mapping Partner

Dr (Col) K C Tiwari, Professor (Geoinformatics) Delhi Technological University, Delhi,as the pollution mapping partner of the Eleven Year Atulya Ganga Project in designing and executing its unique pollution mapping programme,  is working to develop models so that sufficient number of water quality parameters can be estimated using satellite data itself.

He is a graduate from NIT Allahabad and a Postgraduate and Doctorate from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee in the field of Geoinformatics. He is an ex-Army Corps of Engineers- Bengal Sapper veteran. He served the Indian Army for 23 years (1988-2011) after which he took premature retirement and switched to Academics and Research

He started his academics career as a Principal of a private Engineering College before joining Delhi Technological University (DTU), Delhi. At DTU, he was nominated as a National Geospatial Chair Professor (NGCP) by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Delhi. As part of the activities of a NGCP, he established a Multidisciplinary Centre for Geoinformatics and also got this subject added in GATE Exam. He was also part of the National Team that coordinated and conducted 2nd United National World Geospatial Congress (UNWGIC) at Hyderabad in 2022. From DTU, he was nominated by MHRD to serve as a Professor at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand for a semester in 2017. On return, he was appointed as Principal of a Govt Engineering College for a period of three years. He has completed/is progressing several consultancy and research projects from DST, ISRO, MoEF etc.

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