General Terms & Conditions

General Terms & Conditions

  • Ganga and many other life giving rivers are polluted beyond comprehensions. Atulya Ganga is the most sure-footed project by the veterans to ensure that Real Action Happens to Clean Ganga
  • When you donate to Atulya Ganga, you are a stake holder and a contributor to the cause of Clean Ganga. The Mundaman Parikrama, Awareness campaigns, and Pollution mapping would not only set a mass movement in motion - but also enforce accountability of the process.
  • This year 2020, become a part of our mission. There cannot be a bigger satisfaction than saving our life giving natural resources.

Privacy Policy

  • You transactions will be completely protected though secure payments portal.
  • Your contact details and payment modes will all be secure and never be shared for any purposes whatsoever.

Refund and Cancellation Policy

  • Since this is a selfless act of donation. - there are no refunds to the donations made by you.
  • We would request you to donate only if you are sure that you would not need us to refund.
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