Types of Ganga Parikrama

Mundmal Parikrama
An unparalleled adventure of all times.

No existing record of its successful completion till date. A stuff of legends. History in making!!

A life time opportunity, a tale in making. Be a part now and earn the chance of being able to tell your children one day that you were the part of the first ever successful Mundmal Parikrama with a novel purpose.


What is it?

Circumnavigate Ganga on foot walking along its banks from its origin in Himalayas at Gomukh to its merger into the Indian Ocean at Gangasagar.

You are not allowed to cross over from one bank to another except at Gomukh and Gangasagar. You can go only a maximum of one yojan or 12.8 kms away from the banks,
and you must sight Ganga once in 24 hours.



Mundmal Parikrama

This is the most arduous Parikrama. The person(s) performing the parikrama, walk along one bank of river from Gaumukh to Ganga Sagar, cross over to the other bank, and trek back to Gaumukh. During the Himalayan stretch of Ganga’s span, the pedestrian is constrained as per the rules, not to stray more than 1 yojan (13 kilometers) from the bank of Ganga, and sighting it at least once in a 24 hours span.

Hanumat Parikrama

This Parikrama is same as Mundmal Parikrama with the difference that the person doing it may cross over the Holi river any time and where ever he wishes to.

Jalhari Parikrama

In this parikrama, boat may also be used.

History of previous Ganga Parikramas

Swami Vishndevanand is said to have done Ganga parikrama in 1992. Which type of parikrama he performed, is not clearly known. Greghill Gopal has made a feature film on this holy work.

Baba Krishnagiri , whose ashram is said to be situated somewhere in forest near Hazara canal, about 10 kilometres from Naraura atomic centre in UP, has probably done Ganga Parikrama twice. Baba, who was also known as Ghade wale baba, has dropped his body before Deepawali 2016. Details and type of parikarma in not known.

Baba Manvendra Brahmchari well known as Gopal Baba has twice performed Hanumat Parikrama of Holi Ganga, first time in 1979-80 and second time in 2001-02 covering 3500 kilometres.

Mundamal Parikrama

No known records exist of anyone having done this parikrama. The only attempt at it was made in 1987, when a hermit, Gopal Baba was successfully assisted by veteran mountaineer Gopal Sharma in negotiating the arduous Himalayan stretch from Gomukh to Haridwar. Unfortunately, Gopal Baba walking alone thereafter was set upon by goons in the state of Bihar, beaten unconscious to a pulp, and found himself dumped on the other bank of Ganga when he regained consciousness. Since rule of not crossing Ganga was broken, he abandoned the rest of the parikrama

To Gopal, the founder of Atulya Ganga, Gopal Baba’s attempt is an inspiration. With the help of his climbing partner, Lt Col Hem Lohumi, he wants to complete the unfinished attempt of Gopal Baba. He has Gopal Baba’s blessings to do so.

Mundmal Parikrama has two distinct goals, Adventure and the noble cause.

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